Past news

for the past year

  • Head Temple


    The Gotai-e Ceremony

    The Gotai-e Ceremony, which is held every year, was solemnly conducted at Head Temple Taisekiji.

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  • Yearly Event


    The Mokushi-e Ceremony

    The Mokushi-e Ceremony or the Memorial Ceremony for Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin was solemnly conducted in the Head Temple.

  • Yearly Event


    The Autumn Higan-e Ceremony

    The Autumn Higan-e Ceremony was solemnly conducted in the Head Temple. It was held in every local temple in Japan as well.

  • Head Temple


    The Kanshi-e Ceremony

    The Kanshi-e Ceremony or the Memorial Ceremony for the Twenty-sixth High Priest Nichikan Shonin was solemnly conducted in the Head Temple.

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  • Yearly Event


    The Gonan-e Ceremony

    The Gonan-e Ceremony or the Ceremony Commemorating the Tatsunokuchi Persecution was solemnly conducted in the Head Temple. It was held in every local temple in Japan as well.

  • Yearly Event


    The Urabon-e Ceremony

    The Urabon-e Ceremony was solemnly conducted at the Head Temple.
    It was also held at all local temples in Japan during the Urabon period in July or August.

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  • Head Temple


    Month of July Daily One-Hour Shodai (chanting of Daimoku) Practice

    On July 31st, the daily one-hour Shodai-gyo led by the High Priest Nichinyo Shonin was completed. The daily Shodai-gyo was conducted at all Nichiren Shoshu Temples worldwide.

  • Announcement


    Ceremony Celebrating the Relocation and Grand Opening of Newly Constructed Hōeji Temple

    The High Priest Nichinyo Shonin officiated magnificent Ceremony Celebrating the Relocation and Grand Opening of Newly Constructed Mujozan Hōeji Temple located in Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture. He gave the sermon following the Ceremony.

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