for the past year
May 1st is the anniversary of Nanjō Tokimitsu, the great lay believer of Head Temple who offered huge donation for establishing Taisekiji, whose Buddhist name is Daigyō Sonrei.
On the day of this year, the Daigyō-e Ceremony (the memorial ceremony for Daigyō Sonrei) was solmenly held at the Reception Hall of the Head Temple.
The Honin-shiki Ceremony was solemnly held at the Reception Hall in the Head Temple.
This ceremony is the one that the priests, who have finished their trainee course, are to give a lecture in front of the High Priest and to receive the official permission to preach the Law by him if they are qualified.
The Otaiya Ceremony of the Kōshi-e (the memorial ceremony for Second High Priest Nikko Shonin) on February 6th and the Goshōtō-e Ceremony of the Kōshi-e on February 7th were solemnly officiated in the Head Temple.
The Kōshi-e Ceremony was also conducted in every local temple in Japan.
The Commemorative Tozan on the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of Nichiren Daishonin which had been held for 10 months since March 4 of this year was completed.